Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA2)
For this example we will use a data set from STAT 414 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics where a physiologist wanted to determine if smoking history affected how a subject responds to different types of stress tests. The time to maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) was measured from subjects belonging to three different categories of smoking history (Nonsmoker, Moderate, and Heavy) while performing three different stress tests (Bicycle, Step Test, and Treadmill).
The physiologist wants to test the following questions and their respective null and alternative hypotheses:
- Does smoking history affect the time to VO2max?
H0: αNonsmoker = αModerate = αHeavy = 0 HA: at least one αi ≠ 0 - Are there differences between the types of stress tests and the time
to reach VO2max?
H0: βBicycle = βStep Test = βTreadmill = 0 HA: at least one βj ≠ 0 - Is there an interaction between the three types of stress tests and
smoking history?
H0: αβij = 0 HA: αβij ≠ 0
Fit a two-way ANOVA
First, we should read the data into R using the
command putting the pathway where our data set
is stored in either double (""
) or single (''
quotes. We can also set stringsAsFactors = TRUE
to force R
to read the character variables as factors so that later coding will be
more convenient.
<- read.csv("../../dat/smoking_stress.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) stress
To fit a two-way ANOVA in R we can use the aov()
command. Since we will be calling other functions we should assign the
results of the ANOVA2 as an object, which we store here as
<- aov(Time ~ Smoking.History * Test, data = stress) stress.aov
As with other formulas in R, the response variable (Time) is
coded to the left of a ~
while predictor variables
(Smoking History and Test) are to the right. We
separate the predictors with an asterisk *
to indicate that
we want to include both variables and an interaction term between them.
If we wanted to include each term separately we can write the model as
follows, which is equivalent to using the *
<- aov(Time ~ Smoking.History + Test + Smoking.History:Test, data = stress) stress.aov
Interpreting the results
Using the summary()
(or anova()
) command we
can print a table of results from our fitted ANOVA2
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Smoking.History 2 84.90 42.45 12.897 0.000335 ***
## Test 2 298.07 149.04 45.279 9.47e-08 ***
## Smoking.History:Test 4 2.81 0.70 0.214 0.927341
## Residuals 18 59.25 3.29
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Notably, both Smoking History and Test are statistically significant with p-values well below our statistical threshold of α = 0.05. However, the interaction between these two variables is not statistically significant. We can then answer the physiologist’s third question by failing to reject the null hypothesis to conclude that there is not a significant interaction between the types of stress tests and a subject’s smoking history.
Sometimes you will see that researchers refit a model by dropping the interaction term when it turns up insignificant. However, since the physiologist originally hypothesized an interaction between our two variables, we should leave it in the model and continue with pairwise comparisons on Smoking History and Test.
Post-hoc tests
Since the interaction term is insignificant we should not follow up
on that part of the ANOVA model with post-hoc tests. So, to leave out a
lot of unnecessary output we can first assign the results from the Tukey
post-hoc test from the TukeyHSD()
function to an object and
then use $
to only print the pairwise comparisons from
Smoking History and Test.
<- TukeyHSD(stress.aov)
$Smoking.History stress.Tukey
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Moderate-Heavy 2.533333 0.3506141 4.716053 0.0216511252
## Nonsmoker-Heavy 4.322222 2.1395029 6.504942 0.0002327506
## Nonsmoker-Moderate 1.788889 -0.3938304 3.971608 0.1197401463
$Test stress.Tukey
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Step Test-Bicycle 8.133333 5.950614 10.316053 5.590174e-08
## Treadmill-Bicycle 4.322222 2.139503 6.504942 2.327506e-04
## Treadmill-Step Test -3.811111 -5.993830 -1.628392 8.483156e-04
From the output, we can see that each pairwise comparison is statistically significant except for the comparison between Nonsmoker and Moderate. Therefore, we can answer the physiologist’s original two questions as follows:
- Heavy smokers have a significantly lower time to VO2max compared to moderate and nonsmokers, however there is not a statistically significant difference between moderate and nonsmokers.
- There are statistically significant differences in the time to reach VO2max among the three types of stress tests, with the bicycle being the lowest, then treadmill, and then the step test with the highest time.
Full code block
# Read the data into R
<- read.csv("../../dat/smoking_stress.csv")
# Fit a two-way ANOVA with interaction effects then print the results
<- aov(Time ~ Smoking.History * Test, data = stress)
# Perform a Tukey post-hoc test on the significant factors for pairwise comparisons
stress.Tukey$Test stress.Tukey